Join a guided walk of Amersham Old Town for a fascinating insight into the history of the town, its inhabitants and its development. The walks have stopped for this year and will resume in April 2025. Check our website for more details.

The Museum’s regular walks include guided walks of Amersham Old Town for a fascinating insight into the history of the town, its inhabitants, and its development. Here you will see many details of the town that you may never have noticed before.

There are two versions of the walk, held on alternate Sundays.


  • The early history of Amersham
  • Local patronage and its influence
  • The parish church and its rectors
  • Brewery and the maltings
  • Town Mill and the Charter Fair
  • 17th century & Victorian almshouses


  • The workhouses of Amersham
  • Coaching inns and 18th and 19th-century travel
  • Social housing
  • Cottage industries
  • Post War development:
    • Brazils factory to Tesco
    • Gas Works to offices
    • Bus Garage to retirement homes
    • Workhouse to hospital

Both walks are 1.5 to 2 hours in duration. The walks leave from the museum at 2.30 pm on Sundays. £6 for adults, children are free.

For more information and details, and to book your tickets, please, visit the Amersham Museum website at the link below:

Visit Website >

Alternatively, you can book a private group walk with a museum guide. The details and a booking form could be found at the link below:

Book a Private Walk

Photo credits: Amersham Museum

AddressAmersham Museum: 49, High Street, Old Amersham